Saturday, January 17, 2009

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Defiance - I giorni del coraggio

Regia: Edward Zwick
Durata: 2h e 17m
Per fuggire alla persecuzione nazista, tre fratelli ebrei (Zus/Liev Schreiber, Tuvia/Daniel Craig e Asael/Jamie Bell) si nascondono nei boschi dell'entroterra polacco, dove formano una resistenza armata assieme ad altri sopravvissuti. Based on the novel "The Jews who defied Hitler" by Nechama Tec.


5 - Amoremorte

Assembly alternating between marriage and jingle of Asael and the ambush of the Russian partisans. All works though Jamie Bell syndrome suffer eternal adolescent, one that even when you do grow a beard that seems stuck in the face to put it in force make-up.

4 - The first flight

The sense of emergency is made effective with frenzy, sin will be resolved after a few seconds to escape with a horrific shooting that should identify the readiness and preparation of the partisans and instead just shows the ineptitude and inability of the Soviet police.

3 - This field is not a hotel!

A refugee flaunt arrogance and Tobia underlines its leadership out of doing it. The determination of the character reaches staggering heights of ruthlessness (the massacre at the house of the collaborator or the lynching of a German soldier) that make it seem less predictable than it reveals little later (the graft sentimental and fragility in the most delicate moment decision). It can not be said to be a character but managed to avoid the sympathy to all the costs of a similar role is half a victory for little mouth Bond.

2 - Liev Schrieber

The leftist of the brothers is also the most interesting and multifaceted as well as the best played. His confrontational relationship with Craig before and after the Russian resistance are among the best things about the film, both are largely unexpressed and index of potential wasted by Zwick. It is also immortal and invincible, as evidenced by two sequences so absurd that it would be impossible to turn them in Rambo III, the first is an attack against a lone 100 where the bullet holes that are tantamount to cashing in as many holes in the script, the other is during the final battle and he sees out of the forest shooting with machine guns, jump on the tank and finish the Nazi with a gun in the turret, then threw a grenade that explodes in the medium while he clings to the barrel of a gun. All in less than twenty seconds!

1 - The death of the horse

Ben gli stà di finire in pentola! Reo d'avere contribuito in modo determinante al Worst #2 .


5 - Riefensthal de olliwùd

Guardando i finti video di repertorio iniziali, viene da chiedersi se Zwick abbia mai visto un vero filmato dell'epoca. Per invecchiare l'immagine sono stati applicati alcuni orrendi filtri probabilmente usciti dal Movie Maker di Windows ME, la resa finale riesce ad apparire costruita e fasulla proprio mentre sotto passa la scritta "Una storia vera". Ma...

4 - Predicatore Vs. Intellettuale

Intellettuale: "Allora prova a dirmi perchè la politica non ha senso"
Predicatore: "All'ovest il mostro con baffi piccoli e all'ovest il mostro con baffi grandi.. ecco quanto mi serve conoscere sulla politica"
Quando un film dice cose idiote credendo di essere intelligente e sagace è palese che sia accaduto qualcosa di sbagliato, in fase di scrittura.

3 - Ponendo l'accento

La comunità ebraica parla inglese (o la lingua del doppiato distributivo). Nulla di strano, i personaggi devono farsi capire e Zwick non vuole fare del gibsoniano neorealismo sottotitolato. Quindi, siccome i russi parlano russo e i nazisti parlano tedesco (in quanto "stranieri" nell'ottica dei protagonisti/spettatori), l'inglese dei partigiani trova la propria ragione d'essere come linguaggio neutro e necessario per motivi di comprensibilità. Perchè allora gli attori enfatizzano la parlata con un farsesco accento esteuropeo? Sembra di sentire Michael Hollick in GTAIV mentre gli attori Eugene Hutz parody of "Everything Is Illuminated." It was not necessary.

2 - on the horse pistolotto

Noooooooo .. pistolotto the freedom with its crescendo no, not here, not on the white horse!

1 - Brothers in Arms (Love & )

Despite the inordinate length of the film (137 minutes) at the end you have the feeling of having seen very little. This is because the story is told and badly in unnecessary parts (the attack of wolves, the pregnant woman), bad action sequences (the first night in the ambush near incomprehensible outcomes) and romance out of all reason (all the brothers find their better half). In addition to the ridiculous dialogue, of course. For one thing, at some point Zus is approached by a refugee. She says, "why women can not bear arms?" , "because there are men to protect women," he says . then you say "I want protection .." , he caresses her face, she takes his hand and puts it on Zinna. What!?


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