Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What Will A Interested Scorpio Male Say To You?

The Fall

Directed by: Tarsem Singh
Duration: 1 hour and 47 m
1930 . Alexandria, a young immigrant with little arms broken, she is hospitalized at the same hospital with a smashed stuntman who has lost the will to live. Make friends and he starts to tell a story to ingratiate himself favors. Unexpectedly, she unwittingly enters into the story giving him again a vital purpose. In between, the bedtime story with the five warriors that fabulous fighting for peace, freedom, hope, love and many other beautiful things.


5 - David Fincher & Spike Jonze

Two that have always played on the impact of the image, masters of the virtuosity of framing and timing of assembly, searching for the biological conjugation between visual and narrative. What happens is that both do not know how to write screenplays, as many players dell'MTVexploitation of late eighties / early ninety (from Bay Gondry through Glazer). Worse di Tykwer e diversamente a Sofia Coppola o P.T. Anderson. Ma non divaghiamo; Fincher e Jonze, si diceva, sperano nella botta di culo di trovare la sceneggiatura scritta bene, come ogni altro bravo mestierante della cinepresa. Quando capita dirigono perfettamente e rivitalizzano generi o sottogeneri attraverso nuovi capisaldi (Seven e Zodiac per uno, Essere John Malkovich e Adaptation per l'altro). Ma cosa c'entrano con The Fall? Niente. O meglio tutto, perchè il film lo presentano e il discorso appena fatto non cambierebbe di una singola virgola se riferito a Tarsem Singh (se non fosse forse per una mezza battuta sul nome buffo). Al primo tentativo gli è capitata una sceneggiatura pastrocchiata con dialoghi scritti col deretano, finalizzata a certi estetismi Baroque fun and maybe even inspired, but limited by the brake of the rational limit. Now, however, the excess gains control over the image, making fun story and screenplay.

4 - Black & White

And so the film ends with the turn that you do not expect lights and everything else. The sequence omaggiante the pioneers of the stunt performers of people seen through the eyes childish as the last gladiator in the arena who risk their lives in the name of the show ludo and entertainment of others. I still do not can not breath-taking review some unique sequences of accuracy unmatched by any computer graphics or post-production that is not the resumption of the first and only authentic take.

3 - The death of the antagonist
Initially introduced as a figure is useful to enrich other related contexts, the margins of the narrative in the story. His figure would easily could fall into oblivion but remains unsettled in the imagination of Alexandria, attached to the protagonists of the history and possible romantic plot between hero and princess. The evil becomes a symbol constructed by the desire to discover comunioni romantiche forti del classico letterario e cinematografico. Per il raccontastorie è la linearità priva di espedienti di sviluppo; lo usa come forzatura per giungere ad una conclusione sia narrativa che sociale (giunto al necessario distaccamento, conclude la storia per interrompere i rapporti con la bambina). Tramite il contributo di Alexandria che deconcentra e subentra ostinatamente nelle pieghe riferite, la situazione viene drasticamente modificata dall'innesto morale che lo relega a orpello destinato a soluzione sbrigativa. Non a caso fa la fine più cretina che film abbia mai potuto immaginare, come se non fosse mai stato personaggio rilevante ma solo spalla ambigua a cui è stata data fin troppa importanza.

2 - Braids

The girl is called Catinca Untaru, Rumanian, born in 1997. It does not belong to that "cute" like dolls hermaphrodite to Dakota Fanning or Abigail Breslin, ready to bark on command with perfect diction. Just the ability to convey enthusiasm and vitality by voice, strong delivery of a marked accent sometimes stumbling, more insecure and more freewheeling lexical river in the wake of apparent improvisation. From big to be a mustache or virago - retaliation for teen - models from glossy cover. For now I will remember the authenticity child, a rare commodity to be found on movie sets.

1 - Fantasia in power
The Cell in order to walk the wrong influences typical of the crime-movie (serial killers, dedicated to criminologists psicoteoria, Silence of the Lambs ..) uniting science fiction (the structure from a deep coma, the dream carried by technological means). And then there was Jennifer Lopez. I do not want to shoot the red cross but that role seemed to kick in Séderon thrown by some unscrupulous agent and willing to do anything to promote the last show singing of his client. By the way, what happened to Jennifer Lopez? Boh?! .. The Fall waiver artifice to become an outspoken travel fantasy in which the magnificence of visual forms in the imagination as snapshots malleable and changeable inserts, additions and subtractions. Au revoir.


5 - Charles Darwin

Of all the character from the more understated charm and untapped potential, so much so that the monkey subtracts the space and importance in his fleeting appearances. And in the end sorry for the death of more value before the exit scene of the famous biologist. Evolutionary theory of regression? According to Tarsem, the monkey called Darwin and writes.

4 - pincushion

right of the pomposity that is made dramatic stylistic and narrative part of the emphasis in the story justifies free, but Mica this needs to be done for each department a postcard ...

3 - Inizialmendicendo

All incipit with the presentation while the characters will be useful, but dwells in faces that seem of little interest or rather less useful, in the absence of involvement. Boring.

2 - Through the Looking Glass

annunciazio of each event has its counterpart real character who hangs out in that 's hospital. But excluding the protagonist couple, no one enjoys true writing. You could say I'm just aiming for dummies subliminal but it is the counterpart to suffer thought, the "heroes" that without valid contingencies appaiono dispersi e in balia di inconcludenti voluottosità vanesie. Come lo spot con i demoni vs. calciatori privato della ridanciana espressione finale del diavolo-portiere.

1 - Chi rimane a guardare

Mi riprometto di non tornarci sopra, sembra quasi un pretesto da faciloneria del "worst inside"; già ne sei consapevole e tanto vale accettare l'embargo conoscitivo. Affronterò l'argomento un'ultima volta. Da due anni gira per festival internazionali (Toronto, Berlino, lo Stiges spagnolo!..) alla ricerca di distributori. Word of mouth has done something and the direct to video release, but out of time to Donnie Darko, has been so widespread in the United States and parts of Latin America. In Europe, something moves in the halls and Germany went a couple of months ago. What about us? Should be seen for power with the beam of light, a white cloth and the seats uncomfortable but we got to the point to be satisfied with the home video distribution. The DVD has made us complacent. ..

What Will A Interested Scorpio Male Say To You?

The Fall

Directed by: Tarsem Singh
Duration: 1 hour and 47 m
1930 . Alexandria, a young immigrant with little arms broken, she is hospitalized at the same hospital with a smashed stuntman who has lost the will to live. Make friends and he starts to tell a story to ingratiate himself favors. Unexpectedly, she unwittingly enters into the story giving him again a vital purpose. In between, the bedtime story with the five warriors that fabulous fighting for peace, freedom, hope, love and many other beautiful things.


5 - David Fincher & Spike Jonze

Two that have always played on the impact of the image, masters of the virtuosity of framing and timing of assembly, searching for the biological conjugation between visual and narrative. What happens is that both do not know how to write screenplays, as many players dell'MTVexploitation of late eighties / early ninety (from Bay Gondry through Glazer). Worse di Tykwer e diversamente a Sofia Coppola o P.T. Anderson. Ma non divaghiamo; Fincher e Jonze, si diceva, sperano nella botta di culo di trovare la sceneggiatura scritta bene, come ogni altro bravo mestierante della cinepresa. Quando capita dirigono perfettamente e rivitalizzano generi o sottogeneri attraverso nuovi capisaldi (Seven e Zodiac per uno, Essere John Malkovich e Adaptation per l'altro). Ma cosa c'entrano con The Fall? Niente. O meglio tutto, perchè il film lo presentano e il discorso appena fatto non cambierebbe di una singola virgola se riferito a Tarsem Singh (se non fosse forse per una mezza battuta sul nome buffo). Al primo tentativo gli è capitata una sceneggiatura pastrocchiata con dialoghi scritti col deretano, finalizzata a certi estetismi Baroque fun and maybe even inspired, but limited by the brake of the rational limit. Now, however, the excess gains control over the image, making fun story and screenplay.

4 - Black & White

And so the film ends with the turn that you do not expect lights and everything else. The sequence omaggiante the pioneers of the stunt performers of people seen through the eyes childish as the last gladiator in the arena who risk their lives in the name of the show ludo and entertainment of others. I still do not can not breath-taking review some unique sequences of accuracy unmatched by any computer graphics or post-production that is not the resumption of the first and only authentic take.

3 - The death of the antagonist
Initially introduced as a figure is useful to enrich other related contexts, the margins of the narrative in the story. His figure would easily could fall into oblivion but remains unsettled in the imagination of Alexandria, attached to the protagonists of the history and possible romantic plot between hero and princess. The evil becomes a symbol constructed by the desire to discover comunioni romantiche forti del classico letterario e cinematografico. Per il raccontastorie è la linearità priva di espedienti di sviluppo; lo usa come forzatura per giungere ad una conclusione sia narrativa che sociale (giunto al necessario distaccamento, conclude la storia per interrompere i rapporti con la bambina). Tramite il contributo di Alexandria che deconcentra e subentra ostinatamente nelle pieghe riferite, la situazione viene drasticamente modificata dall'innesto morale che lo relega a orpello destinato a soluzione sbrigativa. Non a caso fa la fine più cretina che film abbia mai potuto immaginare, come se non fosse mai stato personaggio rilevante ma solo spalla ambigua a cui è stata data fin troppa importanza.

2 - Braids

The girl is called Catinca Untaru, Rumanian, born in 1997. It does not belong to that "cute" like dolls hermaphrodite to Dakota Fanning or Abigail Breslin, ready to bark on command with perfect diction. Just the ability to convey enthusiasm and vitality by voice, strong delivery of a marked accent sometimes stumbling, more insecure and more freewheeling lexical river in the wake of apparent improvisation. From big to be a mustache or virago - retaliation for teen - models from glossy cover. For now I will remember the authenticity child, a rare commodity to be found on movie sets.

1 - Fantasia in power
The Cell in order to walk the wrong influences typical of the crime-movie (serial killers, dedicated to criminologists psicoteoria, Silence of the Lambs ..) uniting science fiction (the structure from a deep coma, the dream carried by technological means). And then there was Jennifer Lopez. I do not want to shoot the red cross but that role seemed to kick in Séderon thrown by some unscrupulous agent and willing to do anything to promote the last show singing of his client. By the way, what happened to Jennifer Lopez? Boh?! .. The Fall waiver artifice to become an outspoken travel fantasy in which the magnificence of visual forms in the imagination as snapshots malleable and changeable inserts, additions and subtractions. Au revoir.


5 - Charles Darwin

Of all the character from the more understated charm and untapped potential, so much so that the monkey subtracts the space and importance in his fleeting appearances. And in the end sorry for the death of more value before the exit scene of the famous biologist. Evolutionary theory of regression? According to Tarsem, the monkey called Darwin and writes.

4 - pincushion

right of the pomposity that is made dramatic stylistic and narrative part of the emphasis in the story justifies free, but Mica this needs to be done for each department a postcard ...

3 - Inizialmendicendo

All incipit with the presentation while the characters will be useful, but dwells in faces that seem of little interest or rather less useful, in the absence of involvement. Boring.

2 - Through the Looking Glass

annunciazio of each event has its counterpart real character who hangs out in that 's hospital. But excluding the protagonist couple, no one enjoys true writing. You could say I'm just aiming for dummies subliminal but it is the counterpart to suffer thought, the "heroes" that without valid contingencies appaiono dispersi e in balia di inconcludenti voluottosità vanesie. Come lo spot con i demoni vs. calciatori privato della ridanciana espressione finale del diavolo-portiere.

1 - Chi rimane a guardare

Mi riprometto di non tornarci sopra, sembra quasi un pretesto da faciloneria del "worst inside"; già ne sei consapevole e tanto vale accettare l'embargo conoscitivo. Affronterò l'argomento un'ultima volta. Da due anni gira per festival internazionali (Toronto, Berlino, lo Stiges spagnolo!..) alla ricerca di distributori. Word of mouth has done something and the direct to video release, but out of time to Donnie Darko, has been so widespread in the United States and parts of Latin America. In Europe, something moves in the halls and Germany went a couple of months ago. What about us? Should be seen for power with the beam of light, a white cloth and the seats uncomfortable but we got to the point to be satisfied with the home video distribution. The DVD has made us complacent. ..