Monday, February 21, 2011

No Prior Installation Rome Total War Patch 1.3

I Saw the Devil

Regia: Kim Ji-woon
Durata: 1h e 41m
Un superagente ha messo piena la moglie ma non lo sa ancora. Glielo comunica il serial killer che la tiene dentro la valigia. Il supergente si vendicherà interrompendo i coiti omicidi del Devil, attraverso la formula evergreen degli sberloni in faccia (tra l'altro sonorizzati dalla stessa crew dei film con Bud Spencer). Remake non dichiarato di The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon.


5 - Heavy (without) Rain
La sequenza del ritrovamento del cadavere ricorda una porzione di gioco presente in Heavy Rain. Che, pur con le sue controverse meccaniche, rimane esperienza empatica da provare. Ok, questa è un po' forzata..

4 - Il lupo travestito da pecora
good idea to cloak the bad with the reassuring body of the school bus. Who would refuse the offer of a ride in that bright yellow canary? .. Too bad bait scene after 1 / 3 of film and did not have sufficient time to rehabilitate the saying "do not accept candy from strangers."

3 - The police of the Republic of Korea
The inability of the institutions is the common theme of many films South Korea. If we come out the serial killer is almost the rule. Here, as in Memories of Murder or The Chaser. Among the recurring elements, the hasty superficiality in an attempt to close the case (rather than to solve it), abuse of power and even resort to violent methods to extract the confession, the continuous attempts to plod and the representation of some members 'fools. Funny.

4 - Choi Min-sik
One that can stand on their shoulders whole script from the time of Failan, its who still prefer film, with all due respect to those who prefer to strike their hands or stripping their genitals on the empathy achieved with Old Boy. The poor and schematic screenplay I Saw the Devil puts a strain, and in fact made up by adding something of his own, the fit of uncontrolled possessiveness and apathy psychopathic gaze. Initially able to give something, but almost immediately put on autopilot. Caged and vehicles, deserves the edge of the 6 + "should apply, but more could be done."

1 - Headlines
That is what the director of the Two Sisters is realized by the contrasts of color he so beloved. That movie was beautiful and different from the classic J-horror that raged at the time because it gave equal importance to the look and elegance of hearing directing proposed measure and sobriety, without suggesting to the audience scream against. The expanded sequence shows the headlines - as often happens - is the party best shot and edited by introducing and telling a few minutes the two main characters. Unfortunately, Kim Ji-woon is also the director of A Bittersweet Life and do not fail to recall, with its heavy Manon. Horrible tracking shots from film school and to quirks unnecessary "because I can do it." Remains a general safety on how and where to position the camera. So safe surrounded by newcomers in the film, writer, editor, director of photography .. all the work before. Do not be surprised if they were his pseudonyms.


5 - Daegu Drift
Deciso a costituirsi alla pula e novello John Doe da ben altra caratura di thrilleraggio, il malvagio Devilman sfila in mezzo alla strada tutto inzaccherato di sangue (spiegarne la causa avrebbe richiesto un sesto worst). Lesto arriva il ninja che - dopo essersi fatto xx chilometri a 140 all'ora - se lo carica al volo dentro il SUV con tanto di manovra in derapata. Ancora non mi capacito di avere visto una simile scena dentro ad un film finito e immesso nel circuito distributivo.

4 - Planet of the serial killer
I believe in coincidences all right .. E 'pure mathematics and probability theory; captain uncontrollable events that intersect with each other. So, inevitably wonder exception due to randomness! But the serial killer that goes inside the cab of step with two other serial killers (and the taxi driver dead in the trunk) is a bit 'too much even for the roaring torrent of disbelief that flows inside of me. And it fits the story of the most evil of the other big bad wolf cubs but the didacticism it's annoying her .. then if you highlight it becomes redundant and illogical pretexts comic. Not only that. The serial killer at some point you accommodate his fellow snacks, also a serial killer with a lot of victims in the basement and also companion serial killer. But these, before writing the screenplay, have never read anything about the real serial killer? A biography, Malpertuis , a true story? Or maybe they wanted to throw it on the grotesque, no one knows ..

3 - Daredevil vs. Ninjadiddio
Poi ce sta sto ninjadiddio che è invincibile, ferma le lame con la mano, salta e fa acrobazie sui muri. Probabilmente riesce anche a volare. Si presenta come un Charles Bronson asiatico senza baffi, pure un po' fighetto del tipo da maglietta a girocollo alto. Inizialmente se ne gira a massacrare brutta ggente che ritiene responsabile della morte dell'amata. Succede che dopo quaranta pallosissimi minuti scopre per caso il reale assassino e sceglie di instaurarci un rapporto che negli intenti vorrebbe capovolgere i termini "vittima-carnefice", nei fatti diventa invece immediata parodia dei meglio Tom & Jerry. Di esempi ilari il film è pieno, basti citare il primo confronto nella serra (virtuosismi circensi che neppure il Jackie Chan in its heyday!) And the third home of serial killer (ninjadiddio invaluable when thrown on the floor by fishing hooks, which are then trampled by Devilman). Inevitably seems to end when the game is played, or when one says "yes, it was fun enough .. but then, just start all over again for another forty minutes. I said that the film runs two hours and twenty? The farce will be fun to start (but the first fifty minutes deserve the dark shadow of Zagor) , mica and then you realize that it was worth it, eh .. Why 'These two fools who waste time in chasing straight out of a manga of the bad high; to ntitesi impeccable Memories of Murder where - a detective and accentuated over the top - an invisible presence was balanced but still perceptible, a devil ever seen, and then further malicious. The devil I Saw the Devil is revealed from the title but now rendered harmless as a predictable and Geppo sfortunello.

2 - Beast Cruelty
The American cinema - while perennial vegetative stage remake / sequel - wakes up fatigue from post-Hostel (which was in the late 00's what Scream rappresentato durante i novanta; un vecchio filone spacciato per nuovo, depredabile in ogni sua parte e deriva). Nel mentre, il cinema europeo ha da tempo superato i termini del torture porn per giungere a stadi generazionali successivi (con solite Francia e Spagna teste di serie ma si prenda come esempio anche molta maturità del nuovo cinema nord/est-europeo). E il cinema asiatico? I soliti mezzi indie (ma neppure tanto) ultrasplatter à la Grotesque, che quantomeno dispongono di coerenza e filologia interne alla tradizione. Siamo fermi ai tempi dell'exploitation anni ottanta, con i Guinea Pig che all'epoca già avevano detto tutto ciò che c'era da dire con maggiore sensatezza, morbosità e ribellione socio-culturale. Then there are the big, giant blockbuster from attempting a regression all'esplicitezza more accommodating. But you can still surprise or upset by the violence exhibited in the foreground on which emphasis is induced and clean enamel, underlined by scores sumptuous sound when the silence should reign? Blood flows in streams, but the surplus is fake and cartoonish as the characters involved in it or suffer. If the movie does not take seriously the viewer, instead of torn flesh I see implants filled with glucose syrup and dye E128. Instead of suffering and victims pleading for dummies see utter phrases written on post-it notes and so on, among other attractions in the playground.

1 - Boy Do not Cry
me understand .. Before you stone me with stones pleased to violence and malice and then, forty seconds from the end credits, withdrawals, her hand still dirty with my blood? I do not make a play and I am willing to forgive and be understanding, as a good and diligent viewer conscious of being the cause of his illness. But you had to put in the pocket of moralism that filthy hands? Very annoying but you know, in the absence of ideas and / or courage is the usual trick. You save this one. But see, if there is una cosa che mi stà particolarmente sul culo è l'uso dell'ambiguità morale come climax finale con cui chiudere in dissolvenza. Alcuni anni fa c'è cascato dentro con entrambi i piedi anche Cronenberg ma questa, caro Kim, non è certo una scusante; lui ha quantomeno evitato di ricorrere alla catarsi del pianto liberatorio. Due minuti di pianto finale con camera fissa e strimpellata malinconica in sottofondo, rendiamoci conto. Simili attentati al cinema non meritano alcuna assoluzione.


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