Saturday, March 21, 2009

Youth Superman Wrestling Singlet

Punisher: War Zone

Regia: Lexi Alexander
Durata: 1h e 47m
Dolph Lundgren lo ha fatto. Thomas Jane lo ha rifatto. Ora tocca a Ray Stevenson indossare la tenuta belligerante del Punitore.


5 - New York

The sunny Tampa Bay floridese was the Punisher could be at Bergamo as Batman, has nothing to do (although Wayne from easy "drinking pussy" could serve some revitalization in the future). Castle can move only within its unique and natural habitat made of smoky neighborhoods, populated by the most various and infamous human fauna. New York is its Gotham, its Metropolis. Welcome back, Frank.

4 - the mosaic

Jigsaw is a classic old-fashioned villain as we have not seen for some time, disfigured in the mind and body, full of pompous evil superfine their power; hatred felt towards the Punisher represents the perfect vengeful nemesis. Neutral mask that offers one of the best genesis in the history of the antagonists cinefumettistici (similar to the Joker Burton), is thrown into a vat of acid, but not crushed glass. Auch!

3 - Corcamose de blows

The trio of misfits led by Maginty performed in plastic races since parkeur dalla prima entrata in scena, lasciando erroneamente presagire lunghi combattimenti coreografati dal Woo Ping di turno. Sbagliato, il terzetto delle meraviglie incrocia Castle e non dura più di mezzo minuto. Da manuale del perfetto Punisher l'uccisione in volo. Non c'è nessun Russo ipertrofico, qui. Anche lo scontro più elaborato si esaurisce presto per poi concludersi poco dopo, ancora prima di iniziare. L'anti- spettacolarizzazione è leit-motiv dell'intero film, un singolo colpo (sia esso causato da armi da fuoco, armi bianche o mani nude) corrisponde a un morto. Il revenge-movie si appropria della fisicità incisiva, diretta e priva di superfluità che ne caratterizzava molte produzioni pre-eighties.

2 - Ray Stevenson

Face dug and lived by two individual expressions: sad and angry. Stevenson, shall communicate the difference without falling into the traps of compassion and exuberance victim caricaturist, maintaining a proper distance with no confidentiality between himself and the viewer. A work of withdrawal that is often taken out the word that has become a reality without the need of use. Then when the two-dimensional character convinces in its magnificence, this is an openness to emotional illuminating fragments as the hint of a smile (il carillon e la bambina) o l'ossessione per la perdita subita e mai accettata (la parte sulla tomba di famiglia), lezione per tutte le spiegazioni didascaliche e assistite a cui troppo spesso siamo obbligati da sceneggiature cretine.

1 - Zona di guerra

Del film di Hensleigh andrebbe salvata l'ultimissima parte, quella in cui il Punitore faceva.. il Punitore. Ovvero quando emergeva la spietatezza del personaggio, col fraintendimento di fondo nel mostrare esclusivamente il lato vendicativo mirato ai diretti responsabili della sua vedovanza. War Zone è so from start to finish, only more incattivito. And gore, explicit as never before happened in a Marvel-movie. No bottles of whiskey in which to drown the pain but only an implacable machine of his private war has a reason for existence. As in the War Zone by Dixon drawn by Romita Jr., and when he says that the film keeps the promise.


5 - Marvel Knight s

ultraflop The War Zone in theaters in the U.S. decreed premature end of production Marvel engaging in borderline adjustments aimed at mature audiences. Also if by "mature" we can define the watershed boundary between under and over-17. Bad logo, in each case.

4 - Microchip

Nothing to say about Wayne Knight, clocks in carrying out his job with honest participation. More than anything else displaces its departure from the scene, among the most hasty and rushed me to ever watch a second lead of the story. Despite some sporadic attempts to fortify certain characterization (the relationship with his sick mother) will be remembered only for the physical resemblance to the comic book counterpart, making it more akin to that cameo citing the presence useful.

3 - New York

Appreciable high impact photo of Steve Gainer (Mysterious Skin and Adolescent dell'arakiano the cave of an unsuspecting Larry Clark). Oversaturated and not without intuitions in the use of cool colors (green, blue) often contrasted with warm colors (yellow, red) with positive effects often onlookers (the white purity of the church scarred by wounds crimson). It 'a feature that makes it more personal and unique identity of the film. Side effect: New York looks like a neon-lit open-air nightclub run by Stephen Goldblatt. Glimpses of colorful paint every wall and every alley, giving the impression of observing a studio instead of the natural gray metropolis. A far greater individual choice and would have avoided the persistent perception of spotlights placed at every street corner with attached tetrachromatic jellies.

2 - The harangue Jigsaw

It is unclear as to whether to be sarcastic towards driving in neutral media and politicians, or whether it is simply the worst written part of the film. When in doubt, choose the second, here.

1 - Punisher MAX

admit a soft spot for Garth Ennis. In general, I find it ironic and desecrating its capacity quite dull but capable of generating characters essentials, and much deeper than they seem at casual glance. The Punisher is a character from his serious, very serious, so serious as to be funny. War Zone is serious but not enough to make this fun seriously. Also p ersonaggi intentionally hilarious in the comic as Soap, in the movie seem much more graying and disillusioned. Seri. Only through the bloody excesses in the economy and is an encoding merry film works just fine as well. It seems clear, however, the lost opportunity to bring the character to the next level, or at least different from the conception dolphlundgreniana, which mature a lot, but in part only by birth. in comics such as it is clear (as well as statements by the exceptional mini "Born") and Castle uses the death of his family to be self-justifying what he likes to do: kill people. The film makes no qualms and even passes as a steamroller over all criminal unarmed but everything that passes is re (con) learned the concept of revenge. The basics are right, it will be the fourth attempt ... Next.

Youth Superman Wrestling Singlet

Punisher: War Zone

Regia: Lexi Alexander
Durata: 1h e 47m
Dolph Lundgren lo ha fatto. Thomas Jane lo ha rifatto. Ora tocca a Ray Stevenson indossare la tenuta belligerante del Punitore.


5 - New York

The sunny Tampa Bay floridese was the Punisher could be at Bergamo as Batman, has nothing to do (although Wayne from easy "drinking pussy" could serve some revitalization in the future). Castle can move only within its unique and natural habitat made of smoky neighborhoods, populated by the most various and infamous human fauna. New York is its Gotham, its Metropolis. Welcome back, Frank.

4 - the mosaic

Jigsaw is a classic old-fashioned villain as we have not seen for some time, disfigured in the mind and body, full of pompous evil superfine their power; hatred felt towards the Punisher represents the perfect vengeful nemesis. Neutral mask that offers one of the best genesis in the history of the antagonists cinefumettistici (similar to the Joker Burton), is thrown into a vat of acid, but not crushed glass. Auch!

3 - Corcamose de blows

The trio of misfits led by Maginty performed in plastic races since parkeur dalla prima entrata in scena, lasciando erroneamente presagire lunghi combattimenti coreografati dal Woo Ping di turno. Sbagliato, il terzetto delle meraviglie incrocia Castle e non dura più di mezzo minuto. Da manuale del perfetto Punisher l'uccisione in volo. Non c'è nessun Russo ipertrofico, qui. Anche lo scontro più elaborato si esaurisce presto per poi concludersi poco dopo, ancora prima di iniziare. L'anti- spettacolarizzazione è leit-motiv dell'intero film, un singolo colpo (sia esso causato da armi da fuoco, armi bianche o mani nude) corrisponde a un morto. Il revenge-movie si appropria della fisicità incisiva, diretta e priva di superfluità che ne caratterizzava molte produzioni pre-eighties.

2 - Ray Stevenson

Face dug and lived by two individual expressions: sad and angry. Stevenson, shall communicate the difference without falling into the traps of compassion and exuberance victim caricaturist, maintaining a proper distance with no confidentiality between himself and the viewer. A work of withdrawal that is often taken out the word that has become a reality without the need of use. Then when the two-dimensional character convinces in its magnificence, this is an openness to emotional illuminating fragments as the hint of a smile (il carillon e la bambina) o l'ossessione per la perdita subita e mai accettata (la parte sulla tomba di famiglia), lezione per tutte le spiegazioni didascaliche e assistite a cui troppo spesso siamo obbligati da sceneggiature cretine.

1 - Zona di guerra

Del film di Hensleigh andrebbe salvata l'ultimissima parte, quella in cui il Punitore faceva.. il Punitore. Ovvero quando emergeva la spietatezza del personaggio, col fraintendimento di fondo nel mostrare esclusivamente il lato vendicativo mirato ai diretti responsabili della sua vedovanza. War Zone è so from start to finish, only more incattivito. And gore, explicit as never before happened in a Marvel-movie. No bottles of whiskey in which to drown the pain but only an implacable machine of his private war has a reason for existence. As in the War Zone by Dixon drawn by Romita Jr., and when he says that the film keeps the promise.


5 - Marvel Knight s

ultraflop The War Zone in theaters in the U.S. decreed premature end of production Marvel engaging in borderline adjustments aimed at mature audiences. Also if by "mature" we can define the watershed boundary between under and over-17. Bad logo, in each case.

4 - Microchip

Nothing to say about Wayne Knight, clocks in carrying out his job with honest participation. More than anything else displaces its departure from the scene, among the most hasty and rushed me to ever watch a second lead of the story. Despite some sporadic attempts to fortify certain characterization (the relationship with his sick mother) will be remembered only for the physical resemblance to the comic book counterpart, making it more akin to that cameo citing the presence useful.

3 - New York

Appreciable high impact photo of Steve Gainer (Mysterious Skin and Adolescent dell'arakiano the cave of an unsuspecting Larry Clark). Oversaturated and not without intuitions in the use of cool colors (green, blue) often contrasted with warm colors (yellow, red) with positive effects often onlookers (the white purity of the church scarred by wounds crimson). It 'a feature that makes it more personal and unique identity of the film. Side effect: New York looks like a neon-lit open-air nightclub run by Stephen Goldblatt. Glimpses of colorful paint every wall and every alley, giving the impression of observing a studio instead of the natural gray metropolis. A far greater individual choice and would have avoided the persistent perception of spotlights placed at every street corner with attached tetrachromatic jellies.

2 - The harangue Jigsaw

It is unclear as to whether to be sarcastic towards driving in neutral media and politicians, or whether it is simply the worst written part of the film. When in doubt, choose the second, here.

1 - Punisher MAX

admit a soft spot for Garth Ennis. In general, I find it ironic and desecrating its capacity quite dull but capable of generating characters essentials, and much deeper than they seem at casual glance. The Punisher is a character from his serious, very serious, so serious as to be funny. War Zone is serious but not enough to make this fun seriously. Also p ersonaggi intentionally hilarious in the comic as Soap, in the movie seem much more graying and disillusioned. Seri. Only through the bloody excesses in the economy and is an encoding merry film works just fine as well. It seems clear, however, the lost opportunity to bring the character to the next level, or at least different from the conception dolphlundgreniana, which mature a lot, but in part only by birth. in comics such as it is clear (as well as statements by the exceptional mini "Born") and Castle uses the death of his family to be self-justifying what he likes to do: kill people. The film makes no qualms and even passes as a steamroller over all criminal unarmed but everything that passes is re (con) learned the concept of revenge. The basics are right, it will be the fourth attempt ... Next.